Relay for Life 2017 - I'm in!

I have recently signed up for Relay for Life to help the Northland Cancer Society raise money and awareness for the vicious disease. Over the next few weeks you might see posts popping up talking about Relay and asking for your help to support this cause. So what actually is Relay, you might be asking?

What is Relay for Life?

For the past 10 years the Cancer Society has organized an event called Relay for Life. It's all about raising awareness, informing people about cancer - one out of three New Zealanders will be affected by it during their life. The actual event has changed over the years and is now an 18h walk at the Whangarei Triggs Sports Arena where teams get together and walk, walk, walk. There's life entertainment, lots of fun and raffles and sppt prizes - time to commemorate those who have passed and time to celebrate those who have survived the battle.

In the months leading up to Relay teams are asked to raise money for the Cancer Society which in turn supports those that are suffering from cancer. Funds will go towards treatments, physical and mental support such as a helpline, community nurses etc.

How can YOU help?

I have set up a fundraising website and would appreciate any donation towards achieving my goal of raising $200 by April 2017. To make it a bit more fun I have a few games and spot prizes lined up. If you donate $5 during November you will go in the draw to a jar full of yummylicious jelly beans. Simply follow the link below to make a donation, then leave a comment below guessing how many jelly beans the jar might contain. I will count them at the end of November and whoever is closest is the winner :-)

Want to join?

We are still looking for people to join our team and walk with us on the first weekend in April - April 1/2, 2017.

The event starts on the Saturday at 4pm with a lap for Survivors and finishes on the Sunday 10am. If you'd like to jump on board please leave a message or comment below and I will tell you how to sign up. It's only $20 to register!

Thank you everyone for your support!


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