Hard work pays off

I'm having some really productive "holidays" - meaning heaps of work despite the fact that kindy is closed :-) Managed to pick up quite a bit of relief work with Home Support and had a lovely surprise yesterday.

One of the ladies I went to had specifically asked for me to come as a reliever while her home help is on holiday. I'd been to her place only once before - more than a couple of months ago. Must have left a lasting impression...

Found out why yesterday. She has been really unhappy with her helper and been wanting to change for a while - but didn't dare complain. Now I guess she saw her opportunity :-) she told me her house had never been so clean than when I was there and asked me if I wanted to come regularly. Well of course :-)

Thanks to a friend of mine I had another special encounter yesterday. I met a young autistic boy yesterday who's mom was desperately looking for some help during the holidays and for after school. I haven't Ben around anyone with autism before but since I now work with special needs children and really enjoy that I thought I'd go around and meet them.

Well, seems like I was a hit :-) When I arrived the boy was hiding in the safety of his mom's car but soon came out to "check me out". An hour later we were jumping on his trampoline :-) I could see the joy not only in his eyes - but in his mom's as well. I think she was extremely relieved to see how her son had reacted to me and she might have found some support...

Why would I ever want to go back to doing anything else when helping others is so rewarding?!?


  1. Hilfe leisten, sollte selbstverständlich sein, Not zu lindern ohne Eigennutz.
    Leider ist dem nicht so. Allerdings Hilfe leisten um eigen Broterwerb zu sichern, ist das wirklich Hilfe?
    Oder ist es nicht einfach ein Job, der auch Freude bereiten kann.
    Viele moralisch hochwertige Begriffe sind in wewstlicher Welt zu Worthülsen, desinformierend verkümmert, nur wenige erkennen noch wahren Wert von Hilfe, Solidarität, oder gar jene neugeprägte Fata Morgana "Freiheit" und "Demokratie.
    In diesem Sinne good work.


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