Immigration New Zealand: problem!!!
I've spent approx. 500 NZ dollars (270 Euros) in the last two weeks just to get my immigration medical done. That's probably the most vital part in the whole process because if the immigration guys think that you don't have "an acceptable standard of health" you don't even need to apply for anything. They'll just decline you.
My chest-x-ray was all good, no problems there. The blood test was my biggest worry. First of all - I HATE NEEDLES! Second - I know that there are so many things that can influence blood results and make them look bad even though you're perfectly alright.
Well, my worry wasn't completely unnecessary :-( I had yet another doctor's appointment today to complete the questionnaire for the medical, do some more tests like eyesight, weihging, measuring, ... the list ist ENDLESS!!!
Anyway - seems that my blood test wasn't 100 percent ok. My kidney function was a bit too high which according to the doctor could relate to some antibiotics I have recently been taking. So I had to go back and have some more blood taken today (at least for free this time). If the results turn out bad again I'm seriously in trouble.
I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to go back to Germany in July. The thought alone makes me wanna scream and cry. I left that country for a reason - and have found more than I could ever wish for here in New Zealand. It's my home now. I have found love here... Who thinks they have a right to take that away from me again?!?
Shouldn't every human being have the right - the FREEDOM - to chose to live wherever they want? Just because you're born in the wrong country shouldn't mean you're stuck there your entire life! Coming from former East Germany I know what it means to be denied the freedom of going where you want - and I also know what it can do to people. It can destroy you!
My chest-x-ray was all good, no problems there. The blood test was my biggest worry. First of all - I HATE NEEDLES! Second - I know that there are so many things that can influence blood results and make them look bad even though you're perfectly alright.
Well, my worry wasn't completely unnecessary :-( I had yet another doctor's appointment today to complete the questionnaire for the medical, do some more tests like eyesight, weihging, measuring, ... the list ist ENDLESS!!!
Anyway - seems that my blood test wasn't 100 percent ok. My kidney function was a bit too high which according to the doctor could relate to some antibiotics I have recently been taking. So I had to go back and have some more blood taken today (at least for free this time). If the results turn out bad again I'm seriously in trouble.
I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to go back to Germany in July. The thought alone makes me wanna scream and cry. I left that country for a reason - and have found more than I could ever wish for here in New Zealand. It's my home now. I have found love here... Who thinks they have a right to take that away from me again?!?
Shouldn't every human being have the right - the FREEDOM - to chose to live wherever they want? Just because you're born in the wrong country shouldn't mean you're stuck there your entire life! Coming from former East Germany I know what it means to be denied the freedom of going where you want - and I also know what it can do to people. It can destroy you!
Was ist Freiheit?
ReplyDeleteBestimmt nicht jenes verheerende Lebensgefühl amerikanischen way of live.
Es wäre gut, etwas mehr zum Beispiel Kant sich anzueignen.
Fragwürdig auch die Einstellung, angeblich in falschjem Land geboren zu sein. Ich für meinen Teil, bin stolz, in jener DDR geboren zu sein und lange Zeit aktiv und nicht passiv gelebt zu haben, denn es hat etwas vermittelt, wozu abartig gierige Lebenseinstellung westlicher Hemisphäre nicht ansatzweise in der Lage ist. Alles andere stellt euphorischen unwissenden, dümmlichen artikulierenden Mob vom 9.1.1989 dar, der sich für 100 DM an neuen, weitaus schlimmeren "Herren" verkaufte.
Wenn ich in anderem lande leben will, dann kann ich auch leben, nur muss mich auch davon tragen lassen, mich mit besonderen Repressionen auseinannder setzen zu müssen und grundlegend: ich bin in dem Moment Gast in einer anderen Wohnung, bis ich einen Mietvertrag erhalte. Aber auch dann habe ich den Mietvertrag peinlichst einzuhalten. Das ist Freiheit(!)-Einsicht zur Notwendigkeit und nicht das all zu verbreitete ICH, ICH, ICH, Grundlage suggarierter Lebenseinstellung westlicher Hemisphäre!!!
MfG dein Vater