house & garden

I can finally stop saying "I will..." because now I am actually doing it - I am gardening! Hard to believe, huh? I know it can't compare with Matt's masterpiece but I think my little garden patch doesn't look too bad. It actually has plants in it now!

Last weekend Matt and I were collecting heaps of horse manure from a neighbour and already put potatoes in the back. Today I used chook poo compost for my little patch and put some more cauliflowers in. The broccoli from last week is growing good as are the lettuces. I will probably be able to pick the first leaves in a few days *yay*

Had to pull out my parsley today as that had gone completely to seed. Hopefully there will be some new growth soon. The mint and sage are thriving - hard to believe how tiny and sad looking they were when we moved in.

Tomorrow I'm putting some more seeds down - but in pots for starters. Found me some kohlrabi *woohoo* and a few more herbs. Matt meanwhile is building our rabbits a lovely hutch for outside and me some shelves - so I can finally master the chaos around the house...

I LOVE having weekends again =D


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