Best chat with NZ Immigration EVER!
I just got off the phone with Immigration New Zealand and am happy as!!! I needed to find out what visa I can apply for this year because my current one expires in August. Well guess what - I CAN FINALLY GO FOR MY RESIDENCY!!!! WOOHOO =D
The lady I spoke to today was the friendliest and most helpful one I ever had in the 3 years that I've been dealing with Immigration. Unfortunately I didn't catch her name so here's a HUMUNGOUS thank you to the unknown Immigration Officer with the Indian accent...
She not only told me exactly what forms etc I needed to fill out this year. She's also putting everything together in a letter today and send it off to me because I don't have a printer. Isn't that nice? For the first time I feel fully informed, she gave me tipps and what I need to look out for...
And here's some more good news. I neither need a new medical certificate (which would have cost me another $500) nor a police certificate (which hast cost me a lot of time consuming trouble the last 2 years). Only thing I need to do is start pestering some of you again to give evidence about Matt and me actually being in a relationship. Easy as, huh?
Only catch - as it takes between 3 and 9 months for Immigration to process a residency application I probably have to reapply for a partnership work permit again in July. But she's sending those papers, too, to save me time and money. And I've heard from friends that you get the fee back once your residency is approved.
The lady I spoke to today was the friendliest and most helpful one I ever had in the 3 years that I've been dealing with Immigration. Unfortunately I didn't catch her name so here's a HUMUNGOUS thank you to the unknown Immigration Officer with the Indian accent...
She not only told me exactly what forms etc I needed to fill out this year. She's also putting everything together in a letter today and send it off to me because I don't have a printer. Isn't that nice? For the first time I feel fully informed, she gave me tipps and what I need to look out for...
And here's some more good news. I neither need a new medical certificate (which would have cost me another $500) nor a police certificate (which hast cost me a lot of time consuming trouble the last 2 years). Only thing I need to do is start pestering some of you again to give evidence about Matt and me actually being in a relationship. Easy as, huh?
Only catch - as it takes between 3 and 9 months for Immigration to process a residency application I probably have to reapply for a partnership work permit again in July. But she's sending those papers, too, to save me time and money. And I've heard from friends that you get the fee back once your residency is approved.
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