
Here's a great tip for everybody who has friends overseas and doesn't want to spend too much money on sms but still likes to send them... If you have a Smartphone just download the application "Whatsapp" - register your phone number et voilà... WhatsApp enables you to send FREE text messages to overseas phones using a little tiny bit of your phone's internet data. Instant delivery to your friends' phones, no worries about text message rates or roaming or whatever... Another advantage in New Zealand - my network 2degrees doesn't cooperate with all international networks so some of my friends, e.g. in the UK or in Germany, can't send me msg and I can't send them any in return. But with WhatsApp the network doesn't matter. Any questions? Try it out =D


  1. Hmmm man kann sichs auch umständlicher machen. Viele der apps(die man von PC und Nootebook kennt) gibt es für Smartphones, Tablet etc. "kostenlos", darf man natürlich auch nutzen-kostenlos. Dazu gehören auch z.B.skypeoder diverse Messenger(SMS,MMS). Warum denn in die Ferne schaun,sieh das Gute liegt so nah. man kann sich das Leben auch schwerer, umständlicher machen.


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