Is it true?
I had a late night at the pub tonight (WORKING! - til midnight) and as soon as I got into the car and drove off - I got stopped by the police. Alcohol test... All good of course. But then the cop asked me what driver's licence I was on - (German one plus the International one which is valid until 2013)... And then he told me that my International Licence is only valid in New Zealand for one year. If I stay in the country longer than that I need to get a Kiwi licence. Does anyone know if that is true? Because why would my international one be valid for three years if I'm not allowed to use it anymore after one???
Schon mal bei der Deutschen Botschaft in NZ angerufen? Die können dir bestimmt helfen. Ging mir damals in den Staaten auch so. Ich musste nen Amiführerschein haben, weil ich dort aus versicherungstechnischen Gründen nur 3 Monate (!!!) mit dem internationalen FS fahren durfte. In den Staaten darf ja bekanntlich alles unterschiedlich gehandelt werden in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten und ich könnte mir vorstellen das es in NZ ähnlich ist. Drei Jahre ist er trotzdem gültig, d.h. aber nur, du müsstest keinen neuen beantragen solltest du nach NZ einen weiteren Ausflug in die Welt planen und du müsstet keinen neuen FS beantragen. So hab ich es zumindest verstanden. Frag in der Botschaft, die wissen das.
ReplyDeleteKann es sein, dass du länger als 6 Monate im land bist? Da ist es erforderlich(geltendes Recht in den meisten Ländern)man muss seine fahrerlaubnis den landesüblichen angleichen.
ReplyDeleteWar bei mir in Portugal auch der Fall, wobei ich hab es abgelehnt, hatte demzufolge eben Probs.
MfG dein Vater
I know that a foreign licence is good for a year, then has to be changed. I would check about the International one though.
ReplyDeleteI'd just go to the AA and get a NZ one. That's if you can just do a switch like Jon did.It doesn't cost much and it's accepted as ID too.The insurance excess is halved with an NZ over a GB one too.
Yes, technically you have to have a NZ license if you are in the country more then a year. The only way this would ever be an issue though, is if you are caught. Even though I was in the country more then 365 days without leaving (valid visa/permit) I didn't own a car and didn't need to show my passport to rent one, so I never worried too much.
ReplyDeleteThey are easy to get (now), but they still cost approx NZ$70! Which I didn't want to spend.
Scary getting pulled over! I only got a speeding ticket by camera, so I just had to pay a fine, nothing else (and I was still under the year at that point).