I'm moving out - or in?
Today is Valentine's Day. A day I have quite detested in the past few years. This year, however, everything is different. I am not spending Valentine's Day alone. And with not alone I mean that in the most literal way possible. What happened? I moved in with Daniel yesterday...
But to start from the beginning... A lot of things have changed in the last few weeks. I couldn't really tell you about it, though, because nothing was official and nothing was definite. Well, now it is. I am no longer working as an Au Pair - though I already miss the kids and felt a hint of sadness when I left the farm yesterday.
Now before you start worrying about what on earth might have happened - don't be alarmed. Pia and Philip have been the best host family any Au Pair could wish for and we'll still be in touch regularly. There has been no fight, nothing bad that forced us to part before our original agreement had run out. It was simply a matter of circumstances having changed.
For various reasons Pia is not working on the farm full-time anymore. To cut the story short that means that she spends a lot more time at home so that there is nothing much left for me to do. It was a little shock at first because I really enjoyed working for and with them. But sometimes there are changes in life that you just have to accept - and go with the flow.
So I went job-hunting in town last week, handed out a few CVs to cafés and bars and restaurants and instantly got a few trial days set up. One of those places basically hired me from the spot after only one hour. I'm already on the payroll and have my first official work day in a few hours.
Because it's quite a drive from the farm into town and I don't have as much access to the car anymore it made more sense to move into town - and in with Daniel. I'm still not sure whether it's been the right decision considering we've only been together for 2 months. But I guess we'll find that out sooner or later...
Right now there's only one major problem - we have neither internet nor telephone at the moment (I'm sitting at McDonald's right now surfing for free) so I won't be available for a while. So please don't worry if you don't hear anything from me for the next couple days or weeks. We are in the process of setting ourselves up with a connection it might take a while. Be patient :-)
But to start from the beginning... A lot of things have changed in the last few weeks. I couldn't really tell you about it, though, because nothing was official and nothing was definite. Well, now it is. I am no longer working as an Au Pair - though I already miss the kids and felt a hint of sadness when I left the farm yesterday.
Now before you start worrying about what on earth might have happened - don't be alarmed. Pia and Philip have been the best host family any Au Pair could wish for and we'll still be in touch regularly. There has been no fight, nothing bad that forced us to part before our original agreement had run out. It was simply a matter of circumstances having changed.
For various reasons Pia is not working on the farm full-time anymore. To cut the story short that means that she spends a lot more time at home so that there is nothing much left for me to do. It was a little shock at first because I really enjoyed working for and with them. But sometimes there are changes in life that you just have to accept - and go with the flow.
So I went job-hunting in town last week, handed out a few CVs to cafés and bars and restaurants and instantly got a few trial days set up. One of those places basically hired me from the spot after only one hour. I'm already on the payroll and have my first official work day in a few hours.
Because it's quite a drive from the farm into town and I don't have as much access to the car anymore it made more sense to move into town - and in with Daniel. I'm still not sure whether it's been the right decision considering we've only been together for 2 months. But I guess we'll find that out sooner or later...
Right now there's only one major problem - we have neither internet nor telephone at the moment (I'm sitting at McDonald's right now surfing for free) so I won't be available for a while. So please don't worry if you don't hear anything from me for the next couple days or weeks. We are in the process of setting ourselves up with a connection it might take a while. Be patient :-)
Best wishes :)