Oh Du Fröhliche...
There is a saying in German called "Die Vorweihnachtszeit ist die schönste Zeit" which basically means that the time right before Xmas is the best of all. Well true - somehow. It gives you enough time to get yourself in the right mood for Christmas, think about the year that's about to be over and make wishes for the one to come.
However, the pre-Xmas-season is also one - if not THE - busiest time of the year. How on earth could I ever think things are slowing down now? They are not - actually the opposite is the case. That's one of the reasons why I've been slacking a little with my writing lately.
Another reason is - life *lol* Or kind of like a friend of mine said today. "Rather fill your life with wonderful experiences than just writing about them." So I'll just tell you briefly what's been going on around here lately. The kids had swimming lessons the last two weeks. Funnily breast stroke is not the first style they learn.
I also went to another pub quiz night and guess what - no, we didn't win again. But we came third *heehee* got us a 10-dollar-voucher for dessert next time. Which will be this Thursday. After that - as basically all the activities I've been doing in the past few weeks and months - there's no more quiz nights until whenever. Soccer finished last week too, we lost again ;-/ I didn't play...
That reminds me of another reason why I haven't been writing much lately. I had to go the doctor's again last week after spending yet another two days in bed. My personal goal - seeing less doctor's over here - hasn't worked out so far as I've needed medical aid five times in the last five months. That's actually worse than in Germany!!!
But at least this time I actually have reasons to go. What happened this time? I woke up last Tuesday and my whole world was spinning. No matter if my eyes were open or closed. I felt like having emptied three bottles of whiskey - only there had been no alcohol involved at all. Yet that condition lasted for several hours and only slightly got better. I couldn't get up without getting really dizzy and queasy and sick. When walking I was staggering along having to hold on to the walls for balance. My neck really hurt too and felt sore and stiff.
The diagnosis: concussion and whiplash (for the Germans: Gehirnerschütterung und Schleudertrauma). And all from a soccer injury that is almost 1.5 months ago ;-/ Now I'm swallowing a couple of different pills and get physiotherapy hoping it'll soon be better. I still feel dizzy most of the day but at least I can walk normal again. Just feel constantly slighty drunk - only without the fun of consuming any alcohol... doctor said it could take up to a couple of months for all the symptoms to disappear. Hallelujah ;-/ But I guess I can be happy nothing worse happened!
Well, it's getting late and I should head off to bed. Just a few more short things before I go. We decorated our Xmas tree last weekend and the kids asked me to put the star on the top. That was sooooo sweet :-) Also Eliza had prize-giving at school last night and she won a cup!!! She's the best artist in her entire class *proud* She also got a very good end-of-year-report and will be in year 3 next year *woohoo*
Will be going to Rotorua next weekend with a few friends who are doing part or full triathlons. I'm just watching just so you know *lol* Will stop at the mud pools there and probably go to Lake Taupo on the way back. So next week I might have some more adventures AND pictures for you. Still have to upload a few from last week. Will let you know once they're published...
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