Early morning surprise

Kids can be full of surprises. And these surprises are not always exactly what you had wished for. However, in the last few days, Lukas and Eliza have been amazing. I've had one of the best Monday mornings in a while. Why? Because by the time I had woken up (6.30am as usual) both of them were already fully dressed and ready for breakfast. OMG! That was unbelievable :-)

It might not sound like something big. But there are days when by the time both of them ARE fully dressed and ready for breakfast I am really exhausted and ready to go back to bed. Some mornings every little thing becomes a big struggle, there are tears and screams and lots of unhappy people involved. So a morning like today's is something you really need to treasure!

Also last week especially Eliza really surprised me. I had told the kids in the morning that we (or they) needed to tidy up their room once they came back from school and kindy. Of course they weren't very happy to hear that and mentally I was preparing myself for a rough afternoon.

But no... As soon as we got back Eliza vanished into her room and when I followed her to see what she was up to - she had already started cleaning up! "Because you said so in the morning", was her reaction to my obviously baffled face. I was even more suprised she did it because Lukas had fallen asleep in the car so he couldn't help at all. What a lovely girl =D

What else has happened around here lately? Oh yeah, I almost forgot - I blew up a friend's computer trying to fix it ;-/ Killed the whole power in the entire new house too. Luckily the second could be fixed later because one of the fuses was just missing.

Saturday and Sunday was full of birthday parties. First Jordan, youngest son of one of Pia's closest friends Denise, celebrated his fourth birthday. I was invited too (even though it's been Denise who's computer I crashed) and it was quite an experience having yet another party with 15 kids aged six months to eight years. What a blast!

On Sunday it was Pia's birthday and she actually got to sleep in - until 7.30am!!! That's three hours more than during her usual daily routine. She got our gift just before Sunday dinners. Annika, Duncan and I had given her a gift voucher for a massage, a thermal mud face mask and some honey sizzling bubble bath salt.

I also played soccer again on Sunday but this weekend it was really really bad. We played against the FC Whangarei - the secondbest team in the league. This time we had two subsitutes so you'd think we'd make a good job considering last time we were one player short. Well - WRONG!

We started quite good, but after a confusing scene in which the ref hadn't quite made clear what he wanted the other team scored. And the goal counted. The shock was deep - and only two minutes later it was even 0:2. They scored again I think early second half which didn't really matter anymore because we had already lost then.

Since it was the last game of the season there was nothing more to lose and our goalie wanted to get rid of some energy and play on the field. Guess who had to fill in? Yep, me... But, unlike last time, I felt really uncomfortable. Our defense SUCKED! I'm sorry to put it like this but it's true. Frank, my German coach, would have gone nuts watching this. Mainly there was one girl on the other team who made the game - and instead of just stepping on her feet and not letting her go she was free to do as she please ALL THE TIME! I found myself in one-on-one or even one-on-two-situations over and over again.

I was just about to throw the gloves away and leave when the ref finally blew the whistle and ended this desaster. The final score was "only" 0:6. What a shame...

Since there's no more soccer over here until April except for twilight soccer which is more fun I guess I had to start something else. And I actually started running!!! Went last week for the first time and managed to run 1.67 kilometers (that's exactly from our house to the end of the road). Can't believe I did it. The first 200 meters were awful and I was close to giving up. But after that it became easier with every step. On the way back home I walked listening to music and singing in the rain *lol* I felt like the happiest person on earth... I ran again today and it was already a lot more pleasant. Was a bit faster too =D

There's some more good news... I got a bus ticket to go to Auckland in October to see Leonard Cohen. And it only cost me 1 DOLLAR!!! I booked it with NakedBus so just check out their website for supercool offers! By the way - I ended up paying two dollars because of the one dollar booking fee *lol*

The money I saved I instantly put to good use... I got another concert ticket: BON JOVI!!! He'll be in Auckland in December and with tickets just being 100 dollars (50 EUROS!!!) I really couldn't resist. Pia and Louise are thinking about joining me which would be awesome! We can have a girls' night out in the big city *woohoo*

One more thing - for all of you who have heard about the major earthquake in New Zealand... that was in Christchurch way down south on the south island so luckily up here we didn't even notice anything at all. All good :-)


  1. What amazing kids! DO you think, you could convince them to go over to my sleeping room, too? ;-)

    Glad to see you beeing comfortable and don't regret your choice!


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