I want my luggage!!!


Good morning, Auckland! Just woke up after a good night's sleep and guess what - my luggage has found me *hooray* Getting ready now to leave for Whangarei where I'll arrive around 1pm. Hopefully with all my luggage...


It is now 7pm and my luggage still isn't here... just called the airport - at least it seems to have arrived there about half an hour ago. Now the aircraft needs to be cleared and my backpack needs to go through customs, security and god knows what... probably could deliver it by midnight - which makes a lot of sense considering I'm back at the airport tomorrow morning...

So I'll just have to endure, sleep once again in my clothes, smell like a pig tomorrow and leave for the airport early to go luggage-hunting. Wish me luck!!! I am soooooo wasted. All I want to do is sleep *sigh*

Auckland, 3pm

I've made it! After approx 30 hours of travelling - 4 hours on a train from Leipzig to Frankfurt, 5 hours waiting at Frankfurt airport, 11.5 hours on a plane from Frankfurt to Singapore, 1.5 hours waiting at Singapore airport (free internet!), 7 hours on a plane from Singapore to Sydney, 15mins rushing from one gate to other and then 2.5 hours on a plane from Sydney to Auckland - I have finally arrived at the other side of the world. Maerchen is now officially in New Zealand =D

That is the good news. The bad is - my luggage got lost ;-/ Probably happened somewhere in Sydney when one flight was delayed and I had to rush to get the next one (never been checkin in on final call). When I got into Auckland I waited forever at the conveyer belt but my shiny orange backpack just wouldn't appear.

A very nice (and definitely gay) guy from Baggage Services finally told me that my luggage was not on the same plane as I was. They didn't have a message yet, he said, but it definitely didn't go through screening. He was so friendly - and I so exhausted - I couldn't even get angry, mad or worried. I just sat there quietly, gave him my contact details and listened to him saying "we're going to find it, hon" over and over again.

At least they let me use the phone so I could call the couchsurfer I'm staying with tonight. Thanks to Evan I am now no longer smelling like a pig *lol* How amazing a shower feels after such a long journey... Luckily I had a clean set of underwear in my hand luggage and some toothpaste left from the plane.

But now I have to change my original plan... That was to go out, explore the city, take tons of pictures, buy a bunch of postcards to send home, maybe meet with other couchsurfers. But first of all I am way to exhausted to do anything and second I am now sitting here impatiently waiting for a phone call that tells me my luggage is arriving soon. I am soooo happy I have my laptop with me...


  1. Sensationel!!! You're such a lucky devil...the best you can do is come back!;)
    Greetings from caribbean Germany,
    your brother.

  2. I´m right there with your brother - your story is sensationell!!! You have always such a luck... but finally your luggage has found you. Now you can enjoy all. I wish you all the best! Greetz

  3. Hell, I knew your time in NZ wil be an adventure. But I wasn't aware, the adventure will start before you arrive ;-).
    I hope you will have (or had if you still arrived) a great start with your host family - will be a compensation for a long and exhausting journey.


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